Cooling Tower Decontamination and Treatment

Cooling tower is a heat rejection device for chiller condenser, which extracts waste heat to the atmosphere through evaporation of water. Cooling tower is a suitable habitat for bacteria and algae to grow and proliferate. The formation of biofilm due to presence of microorganism can reduce heat transfer of cooling tower. Poor heat transfer often results in surge of energy consumption.

Legionella bacteria is a type of bacteria that cause Legionellosis, a lethal lung infection disease. Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks often associate with cooling tower because experts believe that fan circulating system is the transmission medium for these lethal bacteria.

Airestec  Multi-Enzyme Solution, namely BMCTC, is made of a spectrum of proprietary enzymes specially to break and release biofilm, bacteria, and algae in cooling tower. Our green and bio-based approach can effectively decontaminate the cooling tower and restore the system efficiency according to design.


Formation of biofilm and algae in cooling tower

                       Condition of cooling tower before and after decontamination using Airestec BMCTC